Commitment fees which is the registration fee to assign and setup the collateral in favor of client, are normally requested prior to issuance.
The Lease fee can be defined as the rental fee normally levied as a percentage of the Guarantee face value; this is subject to issuer bank and/or guarantee rating.
The Commitment and Lease fee charges of the financial instrument can either be transferred in our pay agent’s or a registered fiduciary or paid to HICL nominated escrow service agent.
Who is Fudciary? A fiduciary is a legal or ethical relationship of trust between two or more parties. Typically, a fiduciary prudently takes care of money for another person.
Who is a Payment agent: A lawyer or asset manager who maintains and manages a segregated account for various business, upon receipt of payment, they either hold funds or disburses them according to instructions.
Some of the Pay agents and fiduciary we use
-Beaumont Chambscrow
-Edepro Doo SP
-Swiss Re, Switzerland
-Window of the World, AG Switzerland
-RBC Fiduciary Trust Services
-TransAlpha Fiduciary